Starting a new cleaning business, or any business for that matter, is really scary. Logically, you know that if done right, everything should work out. But the anxiety, nervousness and doubt still remain until you get your first cleaning client. Getting your first customer provides your brain with ...
maid service
6 Ways To Increase Profits for your Cleaning Business
The biggest struggle for cleaning businesses is to keep their business profitable, especially in times like this when the country’s economy is highly unstable due to the pandemic. Nonetheless, coming from a mindset of keeping your business profitable is actually hurting you more than it’s ...
How to Manage Your Daily Job Schedule like a Pro
The cleaning sector is booming! According to numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people held 2.3 million jobs in cleaning service industries in 2016, and the sector is expected to grow by 10% by 2026. Success for any company means knowing how to manage the daily schedule of your cleaning ...
Cleaning Business Success Story: Cleaning Frenzy
I’ve met a lot of people in the cleaning business industry over the last couple of years. Most of those connections actually came from online interactions, through LinkedIn or Facebook or someone in Atlanta checking us out on Yelp and then reaching out via our website (Maid to Glow). I briefly ...